Supreme Parents

Supreme Parents - We Curate Fun Family Events!

Supreme Parents

Supreme Parents is both a marketing agency and events company, where it primarily organises or co-organises educational fun events.
Under Supreme Parents, Yvonne created SP Mummies Wing Ambassadors program. As stay home mummies have limited available
free time, Yvonne decided to conduct preschool fieldtrips in the mornings. Mums would  then help out on freelance basis while their kids
are in school. In this way, mums get to earn some kaching while being connected to the working society.



Media Articles:

Singapore Motherhood


Shin Min Daily news

Zao Bao news

China Press (中國報)

Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报




To Curate And Provide Affordable Educational And Fun Events For Kids From All Walks


To Provide An Avenue For Charities To Raise Funds & Awareness


To Provide And Try To Source Or Refer Freelance Jobs For Mums And Youths Via Events & Marketing jobs

What Our Clients
Have To Say

We followed the live tutorial for Gather’s Day recently! It’s fun and simple! The teacher was very clear and waited for the kids to be done before moving on!

Serene Lim
We had plenty of family fun during the events organised by Supreme Parents. We enjoyed the Halloween party, Treasure Hunt and free play at Polliwogs!

Karlee Kun
My boys had fun with the baking class! The games were good exposure as they do not get a chance to see those kampong stuff in this generation. THUMB UP to the whole team for awesome job!!!

Wanjing Wu
Been following @supreme_parents way back from 2016 event held at Scape till now. Always have many ideas for different type of games and themes. Never fail to surprise us each time!

Wei Liow