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Curcumin Direct Film

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"Turmeric - and expecially its most active compound, curcumin - has many scientifially proven health benefits, such as
the potential to improve heart health and prevent Alzheimer's and cancer. It's a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
It may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis."

Above is only one of the quotes I obtained from Google. So you can tell that Curcumin
is a popular natural health supplement. So convinced that some days I mix turmeric powder into my foods!

Got to know that @estherformula_global sells Curcumin direct film and decided to try.

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Water-soluble curcumin (50% purity) + Bromelain, Quercetin, Vitamin C

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Now I keep 1-2 films in my bag to remind me to intake curcumin daily.
Some days I still forget though. It’s not tasty at all but definitely good for our health.

I’ve been taking this film for at least once a week for some time now.
There are no visible effects, but I believe that these natural supplements such as Curcumin, have helped me keep my heart failure under control.

So I would strongly recommend this.
PLUS, it helps with reducing inflammation which is so very needed for my current skin situation! 

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