
Supreme Parents - We Curate Fun Family Events!
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Genting Dream Cruise

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Another highlight of my recent Genting Dream Cruise trip?

We signed Chloe up for their Little Dreamers Club, where they have a line up of fun games,
workshops & costume parties for kids aged 2 to 12.

Just FOR kids?
YES. It means you can drop off your kids at each activity & enjoy some me-time. 

Dress up as a Butler & Learn how to fold napkins

Dress up as a Bridge Officer & Learn about the cruise

Dress up as as Chef & Learn to decorate cupcakes and make a sushi roll

Learn balloon twisting

Play bingo

Graduate with a cert & take group photos with cute mascot

I collated a list of FAQ. Hope you find it useful too.

What's the cost?
All 7 Activities for SGD$50

How to book?
We bought tickets with the staff outside Zodiac Theatre.

Can you skip activites?
Yes, non-refundable though

Can you be late?
Yes. Note that they won’t give you any reminder calls

Can you not fetch your kids?
Sorry.. but nope 

Any other info?
It’s for kids age 2 to 12. Hence some activities don’t suit my girl.


Thankful for a day of fun activities for the girl.
I take joy in watching her dress up, while her fav activities were sushi-making
& meeting the cute mascot.

More videos saved in IG Highlight. 

Enjoy your seacation!
