Brand owner:
Who can apply?
- Verified reviewers (with Legit IG account)
- All adults age 18 and above
- IG account posts set to public
- FB account posts set to public
What will you receive?
A total of 6 packets of milk:
- Zymil Full Cream 1L- 3 packs per pax
- Zymil Low Fat 1L- 3 packs per pax
What is required from you?
1. Take 1-2 clear photos of product(s) (selfie is not compulsory)
2. 1 Instagram post (Includes at least 1 photo and caption)
3. For Instagram post Tag TWO pages & add 4 hashtags
@supreme_parents and @supremeparentsreviewers
#paulsmilk #paulsmilksg #sprcampaign11 #review
4. 1 Facebook post (Includes at least 1 photo and caption)
5. For Facebook post Tag
Paul’s Dairy
Supreme Parents Public reviewers
Supreme parents
6. Both FB and IG profile must be set to public status (i.e. everyone can see your post)
Visuals Requirement(s):
1. Need to see the product(s) clearly
2. Bright and clear visuals
3. Photo(s) should not be distorted
4. Refrain from using too many / heavy filters (e.g. color of product change totally)
Sign up before 2 Oct 2022
Chosen applicants will be notified via email by 4 Oct 2022.
If you are chosen, when will you receive the product?
Before 9 Oct 2022
If you are chosen, when must you share the review?
Before 31 Oct 2022 for Oct batch, before 30 Nov 2022 for Nov batch
How do you submit the review?
We will add you to WhatsApp group.
Send us your post via email in below format
IG Post Url:
FB Post Url:
1. We will notify CHOSEN applicants via email before by 4 Oct 2022.
2. Kindly inform us via WhatsApp if you didn’t receive item(s) by 10 Oct 2022 otherwise we will take it that you have received items.
3. Please ensure information entered is true and correct.
4. We may include a sample review post via email upon confirmation.
5. Should you fail to fulfill the above requirements, Supreme Parents and brand owner(s) reserve the rights to forfeit your future reviewers rights &/or claw back product cost.
6. Reviewers are chosen by Brand Owner.
7. Kindly provide insightful and honest review.
8. Brand Owner/ We may repost your review.
*Applicants with incomplete information will not be considered.
Want to sign up? Click on the images below